Materials needed:
Size US 3 (3.25 mm) Double-Pointed Needles
Plymouth Encore DK-weight yarn in White
Paton's DK-weight in Peach or Sirdar Bonus DK in Flesh or whatever DK-weight skin-tone color you would like to use
Lion Brand Glitterspun in gold
Oddments of Reynolds Lopi Lite in Mustard for halo (or any golden color DK-weight yarn)
Oddments of Angora blend in white for hair
Sparkle thread for hair
Embroidery floss or acrylic paints for face
Angel Body
Using size US 3 (3.25 mm) double-pointed needles and one strand of white held together with one strand of glitterspun, cast on 36 stitches.
Divide by purling onto three double-pointed needles so that you have 12 stitches on each needle. Place your stitch marker and prepare to join.
Knit two rounds. Cut glitterspun and continue with white.
Knit 12 rounds.
Start decreases for shaping:
k2tog, k8, k2 tog all around
knit two rounds more
k2 tog, k2, k2 tog, k2, k2 tog
Knit 5 rounds more
k2 tog, k3, k2 tog
knit one round more
k2tog, k1, k2 tog
knit three rounds more
Join your skin-tone color yarn and cut white.
Knit one round
Increase in each stitch by knitting in the front and back of each
Knit 9 rounds more
knit 2 tog all the way around
Gather remaining stitches onto an embroidery or yarn needle and thread a length of yarn through the stitches. Gather tightly. Insert needle down into top of head and knot off underneath.
Arms/Hands (make two)
Using size US 3 (3.25) straight needles, cast on 8 stitches using white yarn.
Starting with a knit row, st-st for 3 rows.
Join skin-tone yarn and cut white.
St-st for three more rows.
Gather stitches onto a yarn needle. Thread a length of yarn through, pull tightly and knot off.
Wings (make two)
Using one strand of white yarn held together with one strand of gold Glitterspun, cast on 5 stitches onto size 3 (3.25 mm) straight needles.
Knit one row
On the purl row, increase in first and last stitch by purling into the front, then move your yarn to the back and knit into the back of the stitch.
Knit one row
Again, increase in first and last again (purl into the front of the stitch you are increasing, move yarn to back, knit into the back)
knit one row
Increase in the first, purl 3, increase in the fourth, purl 3, increase in last
Now, knit into the front and back of each stitch
Decrease by knitting 2 tog all the way
Bind off
Using size US 3 (3.25 mm) DPN, cast on 36 stitches using white yarn.
Divide by purling 12 onto each needle. Place your stitch marker.
Knit two rounds
Decrease by knitting 2tog, k3, k2tog, k3, k2 tog
Decrease again by knitting k2tog, k3, k2tog, k2
Continue decrease by knitting k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1
k2 tog, k3
k2 tog all the way around
Gather remaining stitches onto a yarn needle and pull a length of yarn through. Pull tightly and knot off.
Holding gold or mustard colored yarn along with glitterspun, cast on 40 stitches onto a size 3 needle leaving a nice, long tail of glitterspun. Bind off, leaving the glitterspun tail for now.
To make up:
Stuff body with polyester fiberfill. Take arms and fold them, overstitching the edges together to shape into an arm. You can stuff it lightly or leave it without stuffing, as it's so small. Decide which section looks the best to be the front of the angel and center the arms, sewing them in place.
Put the base on underneath the angel and stitch it in place.
Take the wings and unbend them a bit (as the stocking stitch makes them want to roll inward). Find the right spot on her back and sew them in place.
To make the hair, take the sparkly thread held together with the angora and wind the two strands held together around your index finger about 4-5 times. Ease the loops off your finger and snip the yarn/thread leaving a tail to insert into the loops to hold them in place. Knot off. Repeat this about 7 or more times to get enough little curls to cover the angel's head. Using the bit of tail left, stitch in place on her head.
Take the halo and center it around the head, crossing the extra in the back of the head. (See photo). Stitch this cross-over to hold it in place, then stitch the halo securely onto the head. Let the bit of glitterspun tails hang down, if you like that.
Embroider the face using three strands of embroidery floss ... or use acrylic paints.
Again, if you have any trouble, please email me and I'll figure it out! I hope you enjoy it.
There are many things we could do with these angels. We could make different hands (holding a book, for instance) and different expressions, too. I have thought about a whole set of them doing chores! (Holding a mixing bowl and spoon; holding a broom, etc.)
I really like her, and you are right. she does look a little like Carol Channing, who I had the pleasure of meeting once in NYC.
Your angel is very precious.
I just wanted to add that all of your designs are wonderful. Really, I want to knit every one of them!!
Great designs! I have found that doll faces look prettier if you put the eyes halfway down the head and the nose and mouth close under them. I don't know why it works but it seems to every time.
Thank you for the tip on the faces! I am definitely going to try that. My faces so far are not what I want at all!!
I'm planning on knitting this angel for a wonderful lady who is turning 90 on June 5th. She loves angels. How tall does this angel stand? I didn't see the height written in the pattern. Thanks, Shauna
Since the candle is about 5 inches tall, I'll give an approximate size of about 5 1/2 to 6 inches ... maybe a little bit bigger? I hope this helps!
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