Saturday, July 30, 2016

Making and Selling Finished Pieces

Recently, I have been overjoyed with the wonderful notes I have received from people who have knitted up my Chow Hand Puppet design.
I have been asked what my policy is on selling items made from my designs. I am truly honored that so many people have found joy in my humble toys and decorations!!
I do believe in promoting handmade toys, and I want to be as supportive as possible. However, I also want to protect my designs. So, I ask, if you would like to use my patterns to make toys, decorations or novelties to sell, you will need to purchase and attach a hang tag onto each item sold to identify it as an Anita M. Wheeless design.
The hang tag on the item will serve as my licensing requirement. You can purchase a package of 24 hang tags for $5.00, plus the cost of actual postage (unless you are making and selling them for charity ... in which case, I will pay the postage). It will look like this, measuring 2" x 3 1/2" ... and it will come with a pre-drilled hole to the left ... and a little string and tiny safety pin for attaching.

Please contact me: for more information about ordering. And thank you so much for your kind notes and enthusiasm!