Thursday, May 8, 2008

Video Demonstration of K1, P1, K1 in Same Stitch!

Here is a little video demonstration of the K1, P1, K1 in same stitch. If you have any problems, please let me know.


  1. Thanks ever so much.


  2. Love the new background colour change. Well done, I commend you, thanks very much. Bless you!

  3. That was great! It's often hard for me to figure out a new stitch without some sort of picture to go along with it.
    I am so glad you understand my sweater problem. I think one day I'll be ready to knit one, but for now, I'll stick with more fun stuff. This weekend, in honor of Mother's Day, it's hats for preemies that I can donate to the NICU on Ft. Bragg. Yay!
    I love your toys!!
